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5 Habits To Start Today

People say that establishing and maintaining a new habit takes 21 days. Others say there are a set of concrete steps that need to be followed before a habit is formed.

No matter your approach, it’s important to find one that works for you. Whether you need hard and fast rules, or a bit of flexibility, creating new and lasting habits is a positive step forward.

What are some habits to start to make your life feel fulfilled and happy? Read on.


Why are you thankful? This question is the basis of the practice of gratitude. Taking the time to be grateful isn’t only good for the soul; it’s good for overall health. It’s essential to recognize the big and small moments alike. This doesn’t mean you reject reality; it allows you to see everything for exactly what it is.

But, how do you incorporate gratitude as a daily practice? Here are some ideas:

Keep a Gratitude Journal. Begin a daily practice of writing down what you are thankful for. There are many resources available for this, including online and paper copies.

Remember the Bad. In the words of the wise Dolly Parton: “The way I see it, If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain.” As much as we would like things to be great all the time, the fact is they’re not. Embracing and learning from life’s struggles is an excellent method of being thankful for the good things.

Watch Your Language. No, this has nothing to do with swearing. It means to be intentional with your words. Use words like blessings, fortunate, and abundance. This is important not just for the things you do but for the significant facets others bring to your life.

Meditation Or Prayer

Prayer and meditation has been proven to change your circumstances. Whatever you ask for along the lines of who Jesus is and what He is doing – He’ll do it. So the secret of accessing the power of prayer  is not in the number of minutes you spend praying each day. A simple prayer can evoke power and create change. It’s not even in if you pray with your eyes open or shut. It’s not in how many times you toss in spiritually-sounding words like “Father, in heaven,” or “Oh great God.” The secret to accessing the power of prayer is in hanging out (abiding and meditating) with Jesus – letting what He says hang out in your heart – and having a direct line of communication with the One who works all things for our good.

There is also strong scientific evidence indicating that faith and prayer may help us with experiencing greater health physically, mentally and psychologically. Many studies have proven it can help with anxiety, sadness, blood pressure, sleep, digestion and breathing. It also can influence thinking. These, overtime, can change the brain activity and ultimately the subjective and objective experiences of us in the world.

Move Your Body

Whether you love to exercise or loathe it, it’s important to fit some physical activity into your daily routine. Even if it’s a short walk around the block, moving your body has been proven as a mood booster. If you’re not a fan of the typical workout or heading to a gym, explore your options. Love fresh air? Plan a hike. Is the beach your jam? Go lane swimming to enjoy some time in the water.

Fuel Your Body

The term ‘food is fuel’ has been used by personal trainers to educators and more. And the thinking behind it is based on the same concept—putting good nutritious food into your body is the same as placing quality gas in a car—the better the maintenance, the more optimal the performance. Whether a nutritionist structures your regular diet or follows a particular regime, putting thought into what you eat is an excellent habit to start anytime.


Affirmations, mantras, personal statements, whatever you want to call them—can improve your life and steer you towards a practice of positive thinking. Why do this? Affirmations are statements that we direct at our minds to alter our thought patterns and, as a result, our lives. Not only do they inspire you and keep you on track with your objectives, but they also influence your attitude. Are you looking for some good ones? Here are 100 to try.

I believe very strongly in people. That’s why I take the time to share positive thoughts and put them out into the world. If you need help, I’m here. Get in touch.

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