Embracing the F Word: Forgiveness

Embracing the F Word: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.— Mark Twain You’ve likely forgiven someone for doing you wrong in the past. How did you feel after truly forgiving that person? The answer is probably pretty good. The act of saying you forgive someone is one thing, but how does one truly let things go to eliminate grudges, resentment, and using others’ mistakes against them? Here are some ideas….

The Power of Positive Thinking
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The Power of Positive Thinking

You’ve likely heard the term ‘positive thinking’ before. What’s your opinion on it? Do you think it’s a pipe dream, or do you believe it’s possible to become optimistic by simply trying to remain so? In short, positive thinking is a practice like many other healthy habits, like meditation, exercise, and more. It can help shift mindsets, which can, in turn, have many other benefits, such as relaxation, happiness, and contentment. So, how do we…

5 Habits To Start Today
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5 Habits To Start Today

People say that establishing and maintaining a new habit takes 21 days. Others say there are a set of concrete steps that need to be followed before a habit is formed. No matter your approach, it’s important to find one that works for you. Whether you need hard and fast rules, or a bit of flexibility, creating new and lasting habits is a positive step forward. What are some habits to start to make your…